You Can “Bee” Anything You Want to “Bee”

A late fall evening, Girls Academy was in session.  In typical fashion I had broken down the footwork and the timing of the skill we were hoping to accomplish that night. I watched as the girls went thru that breakdown and tied the different pieces together.  Bianca Giordano (“Bee” as I call her) was one of the players in that session.

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Music in the background played, keeping the energy level high as we progressed.  I recall one song specifically had come across the Sonos – “Dreams and Nightmares” (unofficial Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl theme song).  Just as the song had started and I made my rounds to each player to help correct any missteps in the newly learned skill, I noticed a common mistake that was being made. So I decided to stop the girls and bring them into a huddle so we can discuss the common error.  Before doing so, I jokingly preface with “Ok, I have to make this quick…the best part (in the song) is coming up).”  I looked at Bee, she smiled/laughed and jokingly nodded as if to agree.  Though no words were shared, in that moment, a lot was said.

[blockquote text=”Ain’t this what they been waiting for?  You Ready?” text_color=”” width=”” line_height=”undefined” background_color=”” border_color=”” show_quote_icon=”yes” quote_icon_color=””]

Just as I had with Kristina (Donza) and others, Bee was one of the recipients of my “night-before-the-season messages”.  It was only fitting that I start that note off with the words uttered at the very start of “Dreams and Nightmares”:  “Ain’t this what they been waiting for?  You Ready?”

You see Bee, was another one of those that I was fortunate to spend a lot of hours in the gym with during the off-season.  Week to week, she’d come in and go right to work. Many times for the second or third different training session of the day.  Bee was one of those that truly invested in herself during those off-season months – tackling new skills, hitting the weight room, and competing with her peers.

[blockquote text=”I want to lead the state in assists. That’s something I really want to do.” text_color=”” width=”” line_height=”undefined” background_color=”” border_color=”” show_quote_icon=”yes” quote_icon_color=””]

It was during one of those off-season sessions that I pulled Bee to the side and I asked her, “Bee, what are 2 individual goals that you have set  for yourself this up-coming season?”  Without hesitation, she answered, “I want to lead the state in assists. That’s something I really want to do.”

Hearing her say it, to be honest, I wasn’t the least bit surprised. For anyone that has watched Bee play – it’s more than evident, the passion she has for feeding her teammates and how much fun and exciting she makes passing look.   The joy she finds in providing an assist is almost non-existent in today’s game, which is why it’s so refreshing to watch her night-in and night-out go through great lengths to make every opportunity she can for her teammates to get on the board.

Bianca Giordano Celebrates

Bianca Giordano Celebrates with Coach Goodale

I’m sure most of you reading know how easy it is to say or talk about the things we want in life.  Just as most of you know how difficult it can be to capture those same things.  The dedication and self-discipline necessary to do so can, at times be overwhelming.  So when you see it done – you have to admire anyone that’s able to put themselves in that mindset needed to stay on course.

Bee – there’s so many people that set goals and just can’t seem to dedicate themselves enough to reach the desired milestone, myself included.  As cliché as it may sound, you’ve showed me first-hand that if you dream it, you can achieve it. As I look back on that preseason note, so many things hold true but I recall telling you – “your court vision and ability to see the play before it happens is uncanny.  A very rare trait to have – cherish that, embrace that, and you’ll bee on your way to reaching your first goal.”  You did just that.  With the regular season behind us, I couldn’t be more proud of your accomplishment.  Congratulations Bee – in leading the state in assists!


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