Kristina with a “K” (1K)

Thursday night, December 13th, the night before the start of the 2018-19 High School season was set to begin, I think I may have been just as excited if not more than most players that had been waiting anxiously for the season to kick off.  Alongside of the excitement, there was a bit of nervousness that I felt (for the life of me I can’t figure out why I would be nervous).  In that moment, I decided to shoot off a few messages to players, hoping to relieve any nervousness and just provide some support before they head into the season.

Kristina Donza was a recipient of one of those messages. I won’t share that message in its entirety but part of my message to her and others was this:

[blockquote text=” Tomorrow starts a new season and another opportunity to reach new heights in your basketball journey.” text_color=”” width=”” line_height=”undefined” background_color=”” border_color=”” show_quote_icon=”yes” quote_icon_color=””]

At the time, I wasn’t sure what those “new heights” would be but watching Kris work over the past few months, I truly believed the opportunity was there. Kris really dedicated the time and energy during the off-season to improve and get better and I’m a firm believer that whatever energy you put out, is the energy that you get in return.

Kristina Donza and Garry Linton

Kristina Donza and Garry Linton

The next night, game night, I received text message from Kris’ mom:

“Whatever you said to her yesterday, you have to say every game. She had a double double with 37pts.”

I responded with an acronym that according to Phil from an early episode of “Modern Family”, means “What The Face” (Lol). Little did I know this was a hint of more things to come.

Two months later…we’re find Kris staring at another “new height” as she is just points away from her 1000th career point.

It’s a Monday night, I find myself in the gym with Kris shooting and going through light skill work as we’ve done week after week since the season began. In talking, Kris asks if I’d be there tomorrow. Me, fully aware of what tomorrow could bring, I respond: “What’s tomorrow?” Lol. We share a laugh before I explain that I wouldn’t be able to make it as Lex (my daughter) also has a game. (Side note: Just to paint a clear picture of the Kris/Garry saga – earlier in the day, Kris texts and asks “do you have helium?” (For balloons) Why in the hell would I have helium? Well according to Kris, “(you) have everything else!” SMH. This is what I have to deal with.)

The following day, seemingly out of no where, mother nature chose to bring snow and ice our way, ultimately postponing this special moment by a day. Given my schedule and having to be in Toms River for training later, the evening of the now rescheduled game day, I would be unable to attend my daughters game (also rescheduled) but as it turns out, I’d be able to be there for Kris’ game after all.

Early on a Wednesday evening, anyone sitting in that Jackson Memorial gym could feel the energy circulating throughout. Just peaking around, I could see family, friends, current coaches, former coaches, and fans all there waiting, looking forward to witnessing a special moment in Kris’ high school career.

Ball goes up in the air for the tip-off, opponent (Howell) wins the tip for a quick bucket. As Jackson inbounds the ball, for their first possession and just as they come across half court, ball goes straight to Kris. Needing just 5 points to reach the milestone, without hesitation, a 3pt attempt goes up but comes off the rim with Jackson maintaining possession with an offensive rebound. As ball rotates, teammate and good friend Bianca Giordano, puts up a 3pt attempt that also rims off but Kris is there to grab the board and quickly attack the basket for a layup but fouled on the attempt.

To the foul line she’d go, knocking down 1 of 2. Four points to go.

After a long defensive stance, Dani Evans grabs a board, pushing the ball up the court and promptly makes a pass in Kris’ direction. Determined and eager, Kris takes a dribble, makes a series of moves to get to the basket but couldn’t get it to the go.  (Side Note: Hey Kris – go back and watch this play.  Inverted bound, cross, dribble step, spin, ball just circles out.)

After a few back and forth possessions, we’d find the ball in Kris’ hands once again at the top of the key.  This time she finds her teammate and close friend with her defender deeply pinned in the paint.  Kris, without thinking makes the pass which lead to Dani’s turnaround layup – And 1!

Kris’ would find her next opportunity on the next offensive possession.  Positioned on the block, Kris gets a feed inside, quick spin…BUCKETS! Only needs 2 points.

Coach Dee, Kristina Donza, Garry Linton

Coach Dee, Kristina, and Garry

After a few back and forth baskets, Kris’ moment would come from a sideline play in what appeared to be initiated by good friend Bianca.  From the inbound, ball goes directly to Kris on the opposite side of the court on the wing. Kris catches. With her defenders stance looking to force her inside, Kris proceeds to drop her inside foot back (drop pivot), quickly attacks defenders high foot towards the baseline. Too quick and no help defense, after a few dribbles Kris leaps towards the basket for the extended layup. Ball leaving her fingers in what seemed to pause time before ever so slightly kissing the glass, dropping through the basket.

In that moment, as the game stopped, balloons came out and family headed down to the court, there was an indescribable sense of joy that hit me. The accomplishment is cool but even better is the person behind the accomplishment. Here you have a young woman that loves the process and work involved just as much as the game itself.  A young woman that pushes herself to reach “new heights” academically just as much as she does between the 84 feet of hardwood. A young woman that accepts any challenge given to her and will not rest until that challenge is met. To know and understand that and have the opportunity to watch the young woman, as described, fulfill one of many life dreams is enough to leave anyone with the privilege of being remotely included in that journey speechless.

Congratulations Kris, with “1K”, on reaching an amazing milestone in your career. May your hard work and dedication on and off the court continue to push you to “new heights”!

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